( about )

Mirrors of Magic explores our ability to play with perception through glass and mirror, creating reflections that invite us beyond our fragmented sense of self into a surreal world filled with infinite perspectives and possibilities.

Our unique ways of seeing and individual translations of reality are shaped by the lens, filters and reflections through which we see and navigate the world around us. But can we reconsider our ideas of illusion and objectivity? How can we celebrate our inimitably unique ways of seeing as individuals while simultaneously challenging the malleability of our perception, aiming to explore worlds beyond our limited spectrum of vision? Through transcending the boundaries of our perspective we begin to explore the intrinsic complexity of human existence, entering a world of magic, play and wonder.

The moments that truly make life worth living are ones of kaleidoscopic iridescence; we create magic through these special moments of human connection and creative collaboration with one another, where our perspectives intertwine, layer, overlap and reflect through each other to emit infinite beautiful new shades of possibility and inspiration. How can we invite more of these experiences into our lives?